Shop Road Extension Project

The Shop Rd. Extension Phase 2 project in Columbia, South Carolina is an essential infrastructure project that will provide improved transportation options in the area. The project involves extending Shop Rd. from its current endpoint at Garners Ferry Rd. to Bluff Rd., connecting the I-77 and I-26 corridors.

The project aims to improve transportation efficiency and reduce congestion on Garners Ferry Rd. and other adjacent roads. It will also provide a direct route to Columbia Metropolitan Airport and the Amazon Fulfillment Center, supporting economic development in the area.

However, as with any road construction project, the Shop Rd. Extension Phase 2 project may involve the use of eminent domain to acquire private property for public use. Property owners impacted by the project have the right to receive just compensation for any property taken or damaged as a result of the road project.

The government must follow specific procedures to ensure that property owners receive fair compensation. Property owners have the right to challenge the taking in court if they believe that the government is taking their property without just cause or compensation.

As an attorney representing impacted property owners, my primary goal is to ensure that my clients receive fair compensation for any losses they may experience. Eminent domain can significantly impact property values, and it is essential to work with appraisers and other experts to determine the full extent of the impact on your property.

In conclusion, while the Shop Rd. Extension Phase 2 project is an essential infrastructure project for the city of Columbia, it is crucial to understand your rights as a property owner if your property is impacted by the project. Working with an experienced attorney can help ensure that you receive just compensation for any losses you may experience and protect your rights throughout the eminent domain process.