Forestbrook Road Widening Project – Eminent Domain

The Forestbrook Rd. Widening Project in Horry County is currently underway. This project is designed to widen approximately 5 miles of roadway from 2 to 5 lanes with turning lanes and lane realignment along the project route. If you own property that is impacted by this project, you have been contacted by representative of the S.C.D.O.T. or will be contacted by one shortly. It is important to review the initial compensation package carefully.

As a landowner, you have a right to “Just Compensation” for your property. Determining what represents “Just Compensation” can often be a complex task and may require the assistance of appraisers or experts. Our firm cannot make any guarantees about future results, but we have the experience necessary to guide you through the process and help make sure that the amount offered represents just compensation. For more information on this project, give us a call for a free, no obligation consultation.

At Bell, Carrington, Price, & Gregg, we do not require our eminent domain clients to pay any attorney fees up front and you are never required to pay out of pocket. All eminent domain fees are contingent upon the outcome of the case and are paid at the time of settlement from the amount recovered. You can learn more about how this works during your initial consultation.


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